Since the earliest times, men have ventured into the seas and oceans and have reported seeing mermaids. These stories began when men, far from land or familiar ports, spotted mermaids in the sea or on a rocky outcropping. The mermaids' beauty and song lured the men in closer, calling them to come and make merriment and find a love so sweet it feels forbidden.
Some legends suggest that mermaids are beings from the lost land and time of Atlantis. The mythology of mermaid symbolism and meaning tells us that mermaids were able to shape-shift back and forth from human to mermaid form. This suggests that the mermaid who has come from Atlantis is of a peaceful and much higher vibration, living in the sea of intuitive energies. Being surrounded by higher consciousness and attunement to authenticity, knowing your life purpose and seeking the greatest expression of self.
Some legends suggest that mermaids are beings from the lost land and time of Atlantis. The mythology of mermaid symbolism and meaning tells us that mermaids were able to shape-shift back and forth from human to mermaid form. This suggests that the mermaid who has come from Atlantis is of a peaceful and much higher vibration, living in the sea of intuitive energies. Being surrounded by higher consciousness and attunement to authenticity, knowing your life purpose and seeking the greatest expression of self.
Size: A3 Size (29.7 x 42.0cm), (11.69 x 16.53 inches)
Paper: Cotton Munken Polar 240 gsm.
Features: Metallic Foil
Shipping Package: The Art Print is sent in a thick recycled paper tube, wide enough to keep your print protected.
Environment / Safety: FSC-C020637, PEFC_05-33-99, EU Ecolabel : SE/011/05, The paper is inspected for Nordic Ecolabelled printing, ECF, ISO 14001, EMAS, Age resistant (ISO 9706), Woodfree
(Frame not included)